St Peter’s Chapel is in Brookhurst Close, Bromborough, Wirral CH63 0LF. See our find us page for directions.
St Peter’s Chapel is a warm and comfortable space with easy access for anyone with mobility issues. It has a friendly and welcoming congregation and you are most welcome to join the services there. The services are followed by refreshments and time to be together.
Sunday services of Holy Communion or Morning Prayer are usually held at St Peter’s at 11.00 am on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays in the month. There are occasional variations to this pattern so please check our home page and coming soon page for further details.
Food Bank On the first Sunday of each month a collection of non-perishable food for the Wirral Food Bank is made.
St Peter’s Chapel is a relatively modern building; it was opened in 1973. It serves as a church on Sundays and a community facility in the week. On weekday evenings, the building is used by uniformed organisations including Scouts, Beavers, Guides, Brownies and other organisations.
Hiring the Building
When not in use, the building can be hired by individuals or families for one-off occasions like children’s parties, family gatherings, and other meetings. It a very adaptable building which has some on-site parking. It has a large, heated hall, toilet facilities and a small kitchen. There is an outdoor area too.
The building tends to be available on Saturdays or Sunday afternoons. Users can bring their own food and make use of the kitchen. We do ask hirers tidy up after themselves and leave the space as they found it.