Quick Giving
If you would like to make a one off donation to St Mary’s Church quickly you can give online using the button below to take you to the Give A Little website.
Can you help?
Like many churches and charities St Mary’s has had a hard time financially since the Covid pandemic. We need to ask for your help and we are very grateful for donations.
Thank you
Thank you to all who already give generously to the work of our church.

How to give money or make payments to church
The best way to give is by standing order or bank transfer. ( The Give a Little website charge a small fee, and it is not always easy taking cash to the bank).
Many people make payments and set up standing orders directly from banking apps and Internet banking. This can be done just using the St Mary’s Church bank account details which are below.
For setting up a Standing Order or donating via Bank transfer.
- Account name: The Parochial Church Council of St Mary Eastham
- Account Number: 06104339
- Sort Code: 01-07 -02
- Your Reference Please quote your name as reference when giving or paying money to church
If you prefer to use a standing order form you can download one here
If you are a tax payer, please gift aid your donations to the church.
What is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a government tax relief scheme which allows tax-payers to increase the value of their gift by 25% at no extra cost to themselves. If you are a tax-payer and are able to gift aid your donations, you can download the and fill the form below. You can email a scan of the completed form to our treasurer via contactstmaryseastham@gmail.com
About Our Church Funds
How is St Mary’s Church funded?
Like all Church of England churches, St Mary’s Eastham does not get any money from the church nationally, or from the government. Our only income comes from the donations made by the people who come to church, and from fund-raising events. As a church, we are very grateful for the support of our church family.
St Peter’s Chapel in Brookhurst Close and the Church Centre (Chapel of the Holy Spirit) in Eastham Rake are known as daughter churches and they have joint finances with St Mary’s Church.

Giving in Church
If you would like to give cash within a church service, we often pass a collection plate round during the service and there is a plate at the back of church.
There is also a contactless giving machine all at the back of the church which uses the “Give a Little” giving scheme.
To use it, you just enter the amount that you’d like to give and use a contactless credit card.
Regular Giving
We ask those members of our regular congregation who are able to do so, to give regularly and generously to church. As Christians, we remember God’s generosity to us and we think about our giving to His church.
We would also like to ask those in the area for whom the parish church is important, for example for life events like weddings, baptisms and funerals if they would consider making a small regular donation to church if they can.
We are grateful for those who continue to use envelopes for giving. We are gradually phasing this out and would encourage people to set up standing orders so that we are not taking large sums of money to the bank each week.
Wills and Legacies – remembering your church family in your will
Money left to the church in wills helps to secure our church and its ministry to Eastham village for generations to come. A gift can be an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving towards God, and can help keep your local church alive, and help transform its future. Why not consider leaving our church something in your will and set up a legacy?
Further information can be found on the Church of England Legacy web site: https://www.churchofengland.org/our-faith/church-legacy
If you would like further information, or to discuss this or any other aspect of giving, please contact our treasurer Irene Jones via contactstmaryseastham@gmail.com
Reviewing Your Giving
We request that donors prayerfully review their giving annually – like household costs, church costs to keep going up!
Offertory Prayer 🙏
Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the splendour, and the majesty; for everything in heaven and on earth is yours. All things come from you, and of your own do we give you. 1 Chronicles 29:11-13