Welcome to St Mary’s Parish Church. St Mary’s is a thriving, growing, laughing and loving church. It is a welcoming and safe space.

Services are held every Sunday at 10.00 am at St Mary’s C of E Church in Stanley Lane, Eastham, Wirral CH62 0AQ. Some weeks there are also services at St Peter’s Chapel in Brookhurst Close and at the Church Centre (aka the Chapel of the Holy Spirit) in Eastham Rake. All of our services are followed by tea, ☕️ coffee, biscuits 🍪 and some time to be together. We’d love to welcome you and get to know you at any of our church venues.
We regularly share information by email with those who have chosen to be on our mailing list. The parish update is an emailed letter from our vicar, Rev’d Beth Glover; it keeps people informed about the things we do in the church, parish and community. If you’d like to be added to the mailing list please contact contactstmaryseastham@gmail.com
Safeguarding: At St Mary’s, we work hard to maintain a safe environment for all. We are committed to implementing the House of Bishops’ safeguarding policies and good practice guidance. For details and contacts please see our safeguarding page.
Services and Events

From Monday 17th February Closure of the Church Steps in Church Lane
Work will begin on the part of the churchyard wall by the steps on 17th February, weather permitting. Council workers will be taking that section of the wall down and repairing it. The steps will be closed for at least five weeks.
There will be no parking on Church Lane while the work is going on.
18th February 8.00 pm Occasional Tuesday Group Meeting at the Church Centre, Eastham Rake
“My Life in Eastham” – Talk by David Colenso
David shares his many reminiscences of life in Eastham – the village, its people, and its church. Come along, share your memories, add your perspective, and maybe even help David fill in some of the details! Refreshments served at 9:00 PM.

Wednesday 19th February at St Mary’s Parish Church
10.15 am Midweek Holy Communion in St Mary’s Parish Church. This is a 45 minute said service. Rev’d Beth Glover will be celebrating Holy Communion and Nikki Matthews will be preaching.
Sunday 23rd February Foodbank Sunday 🥫
We have decided to make the 4th Sunday of each month Foodbank Sunday. Those coming to any of our churches that day are invited to bring an item or two of non-perishable food and /or toiletries if they are able to do so; this will include the J4U service.
Sunday 23rd February at St Mary’s Parish Church
10.00 am Holy Communion with choir. Rev’d Beth Glover will be preaching and celebrating Holy Communion.
Children and families are most welcome. Activities for children are available at the back of church.
The service will also be live streamed. St Mary’s Eastham Live Stream. This will go live about 10 minutes before the service is due to start. We will put a link on our Facebook Page which is available here: fb.com/StMarysEastham.
11.15 am Sunday 23rd February at St Mary’s Parish Church J4U. 😃
Our monthly family service with songs, 🎶 musical instruments 🥁 for all, fun, stories, prayers 🙏 cake 🍰 and a whole lot more. This is a very informal service aimed at children and their families.
Come for 11.00 am for refreshments ☕️🥤🍪.
Sunday 23rd February at St Peter’s Chapel in Brookhurst Close
11.00 am Sunday Service : Reader Diane Green will be preaching will be leading and preaching.

Renewing of the Church Electoral Register 2025
St Mary’s Parish electoral register (the list of people who are part of our church) is being fully renewed this year, so even if you are already on the current church database or electoral register, we have to ask you to fill in a registration form so that our records are up to date. So, If you consider St Mary’s, St Peter’s or the Church Centre to be your church and the place where you worship, whether that is online or in person, please will you add your name to our electoral register. Forms are available in church, or you can download and the form from this link Application for Enrolment on St Mary’s Electoral Roll and fill it in, and return it either in person in church, or by email to: contactstmaryseastham@gmail.com
Church Open for Prayer 🙏
St Mary’s Church is open every Friday and Saturday between 11.00 am and 2.00 pm. It is a chance for people to look around and/or use the church as a quiet space for private prayer and contemplation.
Recording of Holy Communion from 16th February
Important Safety Information About Local Fraudsters from Vicar Beth
PLEASE BE AWARE: There are professional fraudsters targeting people in Eastham and Bromborough at the moment.
In Eastham, people have been taken in and have handed over money for spurious jobs, lagging, roofing, structural work, updating kitchens and bathrooms and gardening work. They ask for money up front sometimes and never return to do the work. Or they do the work and take the money, but the work is damaged or not fit for purpose.
Please do not open the door to anyone you do not know or who you are not expecting.
If you are worried, please tell your family, or someone in our Church or even the Citizens Advice Bureau. There is help out there, so do not be too worried, just very aware.
Look after each other as well. If someone has tried this with you, let your neighbours know.
Angels are hovering over us all!
Much love and peace,
Vicar Beth