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Saint Mary’s Eastham is a parish Church of England and it is part of the Diocese of Chester and the Deanery of South Wirral.

There are three buildings which are used for worship in our parish: St Mary’s Church in Stanley Lane Eastham; St Peter’s Chapel in Brookhurst Close and at the Church Centre (aka the Chapel of the Holy Spirit) in Eastham Rake. The Church Centre functions like a church hall and also has a chapel which is used for regular worship. St Peter’s Chapel is a modern building with a very friendly and welcoming congregation.

The churches in our parish all work together under the leadership of Rev’d Beth Glover who is our vicar.
The Church has many volunteer workers whose work is much appreciated
Our Vicar: Rev’d Beth Glover
- Retired Priest Rev’d Maureen Coats
- Lay Ministers or Readers (Readers preach and lead some services) Andrew Bradley-Gibbons, David Colenso and Diane Green
- Pastoral Workers: (Licensed ministers who help others and sometimes preach or lead services) Simone Llewellyn and Nikki Matthews
- Parish Safeguarding Coordinator: Nikki Matthews
- Churchwardens: (Church wardens help the vicar. They look after the church building & grounds and many practical issues at the church. ) Sue Abraham and Irene Jones
- Deputy Wardens: (Deputy wardens help the church wardens) Russ Boyes, Jean Cullen,
Mike Taylor and George Wynne - Church Treasurer: (The Church Treasurer looks after church finances) Irene Jones
- Parish Manager: George Wynne
- Church Organist: Malcolm Perry
- Choir Leader: Gail Davies
- Sacristan: Russ Boyes
- PCC Secretary: Sue Abraham
- Baptisms: Nickie Lewis
- Electoral Roll: Gordon Glover
- Flowers: Chris Gardner
- Church Bookings: Church Centre, Jean Cullen. St. Peter’s, Sandra Wellings
- Bellringers: Sharon Lyons
- Digital services: Ian Fogarty
- Church Website Editor: Diane Green
- Disability Officer: Barbara Chambers
- Planned Giving Gift Aid : Diane Casewell
- Missionary Secretary: Anne York
- Creative Worship Leader: Karen James-Hunt
- Requests for Prayers: Valmai Bonnard & Simone Llewellyn
- Parish Magazine Editor: Philip Mayles
- Magazine Treasurer, Adverts-and Distribution: Jean Cullen
- Magazine Postal Requests: Joan Hignett