Teams 4U Shoe Box Appeal 2024 🎅🏻🎁
As in previous years, Nikki Matthews, one of our pastoral workers, organised a collection of shoeboxes filled with Christmas gifts to be sent to children who would not otherwise receive gifts. This year, the boxes were given to Ukrainian children displaced from their homes by war and now living in surrounding countries.
Many filled boxes have now been collected in preparation for the transportation and distribution of the gifts. Huge thanks to everyone who kindly filled shoeboxes and donated to the charity.
The video below shows the joy such gifts bring.
Foodbank Sunday 🥫
We have decided to make the 4th Sunday of each month Foodbank Sunday. Those coming to any of our churches that day are invited to bring an item or two of non-perishable food and /or toiletries if they are able to do so.
Donations of food go to Wirral Foodbank and help local families in need.
Shopping List
- Cereal
- Tinned Vegetables
- Pasta Sauce
- Custard
- Tinned Fruit