A special message for newcomers and those returning to church.

Welcome to our lovely ancient church. If you are thinking of coming to St Mary’s Church for the first time, or if you haven’t been for many years, you are especially welcome. Many people say that St Mary’s is a friendly, welcoming place – we hope it feels that way for you.
St Mary’s is a thriving, growing, inclusive, laughing and loving church serving the people of Eastham. We are delighted that you are considering coming here to worship God with us, and we look forward to getting to know you better.
St Mary’s is part of the Church of England. We have a Holy Communion service each Sunday at 10.00 am.
We are more than happy for you to just turn up, but for some people, visiting a church for the first time can be a little daunting. We really hope that isn’t the case at St Mary’s, but to try answer to questions you may have, please see the information below.
Before you come
- What should I wear? Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Most people wear casual clothes, and a few people like to wear their Sunday best – both are appropriate.
- What is it like? If you want to get a sense of our services in advance, you might choose to view them on our YouTube channel or watch the video on the bottom of the homepage of our church website.
During a communion service
- Will I know what to do? You’ll be given a service sheet as you arrive. Whoever is leading the service will give instructions as we go along.
- Is there a toilet? There are two toilets located at the back of the church near the kitchen area, clearly signposted.
- Will I need to sing? Music is an important part of our Sunday services, which include hymns. We have a church choir and you may choose to listen instead of singing.
- Do I need to give a donation? Visitors are not under any pressure to give money. A collection plate is passed around during a hymn and there is a digital giving machine at the back should you wish to give.
- How does this church congregation share the peace? The peace is a time in the service when all of the people greet each other – at St Mary’s we do this by waving.
- What happens during Holy Communion? As we remember Jesus’ Last Supper, everyone is invited to come to the altar rail. People either stand or kneel at the rail to receive bread and wine, or bow their head to receive a blessing. Children come too. If you are a confirmed member of your own church, you’re invited to take communion with us. You show that you want to receive the bread by holding your hands out. If you also want to take wine, you accept the cup when it is offered. If you prefer to receive a blessing, just bow your head.
- Can I light a candle? In St Mary’s we have two sets of small candles. After coming to the altar during communion, some people choose to light one or more candles and say a private prayer before returning to their seat.
- What if my child makes noise? We realise that children don’t have an ‘off button’ and if they make a noise it’s not a problem. It may help to know that activity bags with toys, books, drinks, and snacks are available at the back of the church – you can take these to your seat. Children’s colouring sheets and activities are also provided at the back of church.
- Are there services for children? At 11.15 am on the 4th Sunday of each month, we host J4U, a fun-filled, noisy and very informal service aimed at primary school-aged children and their families. See our children and families page
- Is there a Sunday School or Children’s Church? We currently have a group of younger parents who are coming together to improve our provision for children and young people. New announcements will be made soon.
After a service
- Each service ends with an opportunity to get together over refreshments. As new visitors to our church, this is a good chance to meet new people, but there is no pressure to stay.
if you are thinking of visiting St Mary’s for a service we’d encourage you to come along. Hope to see you soon!